About a month ago, rumors were circulating about who the female leads of the Total Recall remake would be, with many big names in contention. Now we have learned that Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel have both signed on to star in the high profile flick. With Beckinsale, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise since she’s married to the film’s director, Len Wiseman, and the two have worked together before on the first twoUnderworld films. She’ll be playing the wife of Colin Farrell while Biel will play Melina, a member of a resistance force. It’s also been revealed that actor Bill Nighy (another Underworld alum) has joined the cast, playing Quatto, the leader of the resistance. The trio of actors will star alongside the aforementioned Farrell, as well as Bryan Cranston, who will play the film’s villain. The film begins shooting on Monday in Toronto and it currently has a release date set for August 3, 2012.
Apparently, this version of the film will be closer to the Phillip K. Dick source material. Most notably, the Mars section of the 1990 film will be forgone this time around. Instead the plot will involve nation states Euromerica and New Shanghai. Colin Farrell will play a factory worker who starts to believe that he’s a spy for one of the states, although he’s unsure which. It’s nice to hear that this film won’t be a paint-by-numbers remake of the first Total Recall so we can receive a new take on the material. The cast has shaped up nicely and I can now say I’m cautiously optimistic about what will become of this project. Perhaps the biggest stumbling block is Len Wiseman since I’ve not been a big fan of his output thus far. What are your thoughts on how the Total Recall remake has been developing?
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