Pippa Middleton wore her latest demure dress yesterday to check out a match during the French Open in Paris. She went to the city following a workweek in London and two recent getaways, including a few days at her parents' home in the English countryside with boyfriend Alex Loudon and a stint in Spain with good friend George Percy. Pippa was in a private box to check out the tennis action, making sure to cover her mouth with a hand to keep any comments safe from would-be lip readers.
Pippa's travel schedule is of great interest to the many fans she made with her stunning appearance at her sister, Kate Middleton's, wedding last month. Kate has lots of jet-setting in her future as well, and the final plans for her upcoming trip to North America were just released. Kate Middleton and Prince William's Canada trip will include stops in Montreal, Quebec, Prince Edward Island, and more from June 30 to July 8. They'll then spend two days in LA, but a palace spokesman emphasized that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be focused on promoting British interests, not just meeting celebrities.
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