Thursday, June 23, 2011

Little Known Facts About Justin Beiber in The Late Show With David Letterman. ( video )

Even the biggest pop star in the world, with swag pouring out the floppy hair-covered ears, has to play humble sometimes. And like nearly every other major star in the world, that sometimes is while on set with David Letterman.

The "Late Show" host is famous for not caring what his interview subjects have to say, showing his disinterest, and even disdain on many occasions (see: Phoenix, Joaquin). And so when he hosted Justin Bieber on Wednesday night, the tween king was in for a little ribbing.

Luckily, Letterman let him off easy with the Top 10 Little Known Facts About Justin Bieber, making just tiny pokes at his fame and age. More impressive, perhaps, was Bieber's newfound low voice.

Here are the top ten facts, watch the countdown video below.

10. My new fragrance Someday also makes a delicious, low-calorie salad dressing. 
9. I served eight months in prison for siphoning gas. 
8. The first thing I bought when I hit it big was a four-slice toaster. 
7. As hard as I've tried, I don't know how to not be adorable. 
6. "Justin Bieber's" my secret identity, I'm really Green Lantern. 
5. I'm not really a big fan of Kevin James. 
4. I begged my publicist to get me out of this. 
3. Last week I accidentally waited in line for two hours for my own autograph. 
2. My mom had to remind me that he's not Larry King. 
1. It's a hair piece.

huffington post.

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